Dear RDKitters,

here is a project idea for GSoC 2018 (actually brought up by Greg during the Hackathon of RDKitUGM2016):

Project: RDKit lite

Brief explanation:
Create a minimal version of the RDKit that only contains basic functionality (like MolFrom/ToSmiles and substructure search capabilities, (...)) in order to make it easier to create bindings to the RDKit from other languages or to port the RDKit to other languages.

Expected results:
A minimal version of the RDKit that could be bound to from other languages like Go, Rust or Nim, would immensely enhance its reach by introducing cheminformatics capabilities to languages where this functionality is currently still missing or lacking.

Prerequisites: C, C++

Mentor: t.b.d.

Kind regards,

On 15.01.2018 08:09, Greg Landrum wrote:
Dear all,

We've been invited again to participate in the OpenChemistry application for Google Summer of Code.

In order to participate we need ideas for projects and mentors to go along with them.

The current list of RDKit ideas is being maintained here:

(Note: at the point that I'm pressing "send", that's still a copy of last year's project ideas).

If you're willing to be a mentor (please ask me about the ~5 hours/week required here) or have ideas, please reply to this thread.


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