Dear Kovas,

It looks like GetSubstructMatch() only finds a match if the dummy atom is in the query, not if it is in the molecule they you are matching the query against.

This notebook present a possible solution off the top of my head:

which does not involve changes to the C++ layer, even though it is computationally more expensive and will fail with disconnected fragments as it uses FindMCS(). There may be better solutions - this is what I came out with yesterday night in the little time I had available.


On 08/22/18 19:34, Kovas Palunas wrote:

Hi All,

I’m interested in having GetSubstructMatches return non-“null” results in the following example.  The results should lead to a match where atom 1 maps to atom 11, 2 to 12, etc.

m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[*:1][CH2:2][C:3]([CH3:4])=[CH2:5]')

m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[F:11][CH2:12][C:13]([*:14])=[CH2:15]')

### do something here so that the mols will match ###

qp = Chem.AdjustQueryParameters()

qp.makeDummiesQueries = True

m1 = Chem.AdjustQueryProperties(m1, qp)

m2 = Chem.AdjustQueryProperties(m2, qp)

# I’d like both of the following to return results



My understanding of why these mols currently do not match is as follows:  because only the dummy atoms are made queries (based on my query parameter adjustment), when one mol is matched to another dummy 1 may match to F:11, but dummy 14 will then not match to methyl:14.  This is because (as I understand), normal atoms can only be matched by queries, and cannot match them themselves.

Potential ideas to make this work as I’d like:

 1. Override atom.Match in the python code – not sure that this would
    work since the C++ version of this function is what would be
    called during GetSubstructMatches
 2. Override atom.Match in the C++ code – not quite sure how to do
    this, or what side affects it might have.  Ideally the changes I
    make would only affect this example (and other similar ones)
 3. Make all atoms in both molecules QueryAtoms, but otherwise leave
    them unchanged.  I’m not quite sure how to do this!

Does anyone have any ideas for what the best approach here would be, or knows if there is already built in functionality for something like this?  I’d prefer to not use SMARTS to construct my molecules if possible, since I don’t really think of them as queries, just as other molecules in the system that happen to not be fully specified.

- Kovas

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