On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 2:42 PM Ivan Tubert-Brohman <
ivan.tubert-broh...@schrodinger.com> wrote:

> In the newer "V3000", the atom line is not column-based, which I believe
> gives more freedom to implementers to decide the precision of the
> coordinates. You can force RDKit to write in this format by calling
> SetForceV3000(True) on your writer object. I tried it and I get 5 digits
> after the decimal point instead of 4, so at least that's a start. Looking
> at the RDKit code (function GetV3000MolFileAtomLine), it just writes the
> coordinates without setting the precision, so what you get is the default
> stringstream conversion. Here's where one could in principle adjust this
> precision, but there's clearly no API to do so at the moment.

Yep. This is not currently possible without editing C++ code.
If there is a real use case for having more than 6 sig figs for atomic
positions (this is what is currently available), we can certainly come up
with a way to make it happen. I don't recall having seen any real-world
examples where that would be desirable.
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