Hi Max,

thanks for your reply.

The result you provided is exactly what I was looking for.

However, I think it has more to do with the color of the highlight than any different setting of the transparency parameter in the underlying methods. (which is a good thing!)

I was just focusing so much on the transparency effect that I obviously forgot to try to use lighter tones for the color...

For instance, the snippet below also works for my purpose.

Jose Manuel


import matplotlib
from rdkit import rdBase
from rdkit import Chem
# display molecules
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from IPython.display import SVG

m = Chem.MolFromSmiles("O1CCCC1") # tetrahydrofuran
highlight=[0] # oxygen
color = matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter().to_rgb('pink')

Draw.MolsToGridImage( [m],highlightAtomLists=[highlight], highlightAtomColors=[{0:color}])

On 12/20/18 7:33 PM, Max Pinheiro Jr wrote:
Hi Jose,

Have you tried to use the "DrawMolecules" from the "rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG" class? I think this class has some other options that allow one to change the highlight colors while still keeping the alpha transparency. I did a test here with your code and it seems to provide the result you are looking for:

m = Chem.MolFromSmiles("O1CCCC1") # tetrahydrofuran
highlight=[0] # oxygen

matches = m.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmiles('CO'))
print matches
color_1 = {}
color_2 = {}
color_3 = {}
radius = {}
for i,j in zip(matches[0], matches[1]):
    color_1[i] = ColorConverter().to_rgb('lightgray')
    color_2[j] = ColorConverter().to_rgb('skyblue')
tm = rdMolDraw2D.PrepareMolForDrawing(m)
view = rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(660,350)
option = view.drawOptions()
view.DrawMolecules([tm], highlightAtoms=[highlight], highlightAtomColors=[color_2])
svg = view.GetDrawingText()
with open('./example.svg', 'w') as f:
SVG(svg.replace('svg:', ''))

I hope it works for you.

All the best,


Em qui, 20 de dez de 2018 às 14:33, Jose Manuel Gally <jose.manuel.ga...@gmail.com <mailto:jose.manuel.ga...@gmail.com>> escreveu:

    Hi all,

    I am trying to highlight substructures found in a set of molecules.

    However, if I use a specific color in Draw.MolsToGridImage by
    defining the highlightAtomColors parameter, I lose the
    transparency effect, so some atoms can be hidden by the highlight.

    Is there a way to set the transparency level (alpha) with defined

    I could not find any relevant parameter in the documentation
    (alpha is mentioned only once in the calcAtomGaussians docstring)
    or in this mailing list.

    I also tried to set a value an additional value in the RGB code
    (i.e. RGBa=(1, 0, 0, 0.5)), but it seems to be simply ignored.

    Please find attached a notebook with a very simple example.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    By default there seems to be some transparency applied when

    Thank you for your help!

    Best regards,
    Jose Manuel

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