Dear all,

I am trying to catch an error every time that a smiles associated to a mol 
object does not exist. To do this, I want to use sanitize function: if the 
smiles is incorrect I will get my error.
My smiles with explicit hydrogens is the next one: [H]C([H])O

I want it to provide an error since valences do not match the ones specified 
for Carbon and Oxygen beingHydrogens already explicit: C_val = 4 ; O_val = 2

However, sanitizing this object creates automatically the missing Hydrogens 
providing a valid smiles: [H]OC([H])([H])[H] and therefore it assumes the 
smiles is correct.

Is there any way to specify that my Hydrogens are already explicit during 
sanitazion so I get my error message?

Thank you so much :)

Best regards,

Pablo Ramos
Ph.D. at Covestro Deutschland AG

+49 214 6009 7356

Covestro Deutschland AG
B103, R164
51365 Leverkusen, Germany

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