Dear RDKit-users,

I would like to do a very simple substructure search.
The chapter 3.5 "Substructure Searching" in RDKit Documentation (2019.09.1) is 
pretty short and doesn't point to a solution. So far, I've learned that you can 
create your search pattern via Chem.MolFromSmiles() or Chem.MolFromSmarts().

In the below copy&paste minimal example, I want to use the first SMILES in the 
list as search pattern. I expect 2 matches but I get either 1 or 0 matches. So, 
I'm doing something wrong. What am I missing?
Is it about implicit/explicit aromatic and aliphatic bonds or some 
explicit/implicit hydrogen?
How to find the first structure in both SMILES?

thank you for any hints,

### simple substructure search (but doesn't find what is expected)
from rdkit import Chem

smiles_strings = '''
smiles_list = smiles_strings.splitlines()[1:]

pattern = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles_list[0])  # MolFromSmiles
matches = [x for x in smiles_list if 
print(len(matches))   # result: 1, why not 2?

pattern = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smiles_list[0])  # MolFromSmarts
matches = [x for x in smiles_list if 
print(len(matches))   # result: 0, why not 2?
### end of code

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