Hi Quoc-Tuan

both those mols match the smarts pattern in my python3 version of rdkit 
(2019.03.3 – hmm, it might be time for an upgrade)

>>> from rdkit import rdBase
>>> rdBase.rdkitVersion
>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> patt = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccc(cc1)C~C2NC~Cc3c2cccc3.c1ccc(cc1)C~C2NC~Cc3c2cccc3')
>>> mol = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('COc1ccc2cc1Oc1ccc(cc1)CC1N(C)CCc3c1c1Oc4cc5C(C2)NCCc5cc4Oc1c(c3)OC')
>>> mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt)
>>> mol = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('COc1ccc7cc1Oc2ccc(cc2)CC3N(C)CCc4c3cc(c(c4)OC)Oc5ccc6c(c5)CCNC6C7')
>>> mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt)

do you have an older version – your print statements look like python2?

Best wishes

From: Quoc-Tuan DO <quoctuan...@greenpharma.com>
Sent: 21 July 2020 13:09
To: rdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Rdkit-discuss] substructure matching


I am not very familiar with smiles/smarts and find the following results quite 

>>> patt = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccc(cc1)C~C2NC~Cc3c2cccc3.c1ccc(cc1)C~C2NC~Cc3c2cccc3')

>>> mol = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('COc1ccc2cc1Oc1ccc(cc1)CC1N(C)CCc3c1c1Oc4cc5C(C2)NCCc5cc4Oc1c(c3)OC')

>>> print mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt)


>>> mol = 
>>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('COc1ccc7cc1Oc2ccc(cc2)CC3N(C)CCc4c3cc(c(c4)OC)Oc5ccc6c(c5)CCNC6C7')

>>> print mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt)


It seems that a presence of an extra Ph - O - Ph makes the difference but I am 
not sure why. How should the smarts be to have positive results for both smiles 

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


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