Dear list,

I have been trying to replace this SMARTS pattern in a ring:


By this SMILES fragment:


My trials using a single SMARTS pattern search then replace
break open the ring, which is not what I want.

My not working trial code:
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('O=c1[nH]cccc1')
pat = Chem.MolFromSmarts('c(=O)[nH]')
rep = Chem.MolFromSmarts('c(O)n')
res = AllChem.ReplaceSubstructs(mol,pat,rep)

The example molecule is just an example; the ring might be smaller
and/or have more heteroatoms.

Should I use a chemical reaction for this?

Am I forced to describe full rings in both SMARTS patterns?!
I don't want to have to enumerate all the possibilities...

I can make it ~work~ using two replacements:
first 'c(=O)' to 'c(O)'
'[nH]' to 'n'
But this is less precise than what I really want
and I believe it will change molecules or places I don't want to change.

Thanks a lot and happy new year!

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