Thanks for the pointers..

Found this one by the same author which show the gzip wrapping

Seems around about way, re-wrapping the gzip/zip as a png then using load to
decompress. But it works.
Testing it, managed to get 150k sent as 20k of data.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anton Rolls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 3:46 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: HTTP n Gzip content

> The script mentioned below seems only to support ZIP.
> So it will not work as is.
> ZIP is not to be confused with GZIP.
> Both ZIP and GZIP use DEFLATE, so the script below may be
> adapted to support GZIP.
> Regards,
> Anton.
>>> CarleySimon napsal(a):
>>>> Rebol V2
>>>> Has anybody found an easy way of decompressing gzip content from the
>>>> web
>>> as in
>>>> page: gzip-decompress read/binary/custom [ header
>>>> [
>>> Accept-Encoding: "gzip,deflate" ]]
>>>> I can work around it using call and curl, but with reads every second
>>> having a dos window popup isnt desirable.
>>> I just sent note to ml about upcoming 2.7.6 release, and I wish one and
>>> only one bug being fixed for me at least - fix the black console window
>>> popping-up with each call. I will bug the group to the death to get that
>>> defficiency fixed, don't worry :-)
> -- 
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