Is there a way to append an image object (a box for example) to a face that
has already been displayed. I'm looking to get  simple highlight
functionality in an app in which a string is scanned for in a series of text

I've been able to highlight the search word in each face but if I click in
any of the text faces the face looses the highlight effect sort of like
loosing focus on normal highlighting. 
I would like the highlight to remain until no longer needed

What I got working:

rebol []
pad: 20x30
window: layout [
        bx: box red 0x0
        panel: panel [
                text 400 "Here is a simple example how to use DRAW dialect
for into alpha channel of the image. I think with the function make-alpha
(bellow in the example) you can draw almost any kind of transparent shape
though it is not the fastest method....IMO the possibility to use DRAW pens
for alpha channel should be done at Rebol's native level"
                t: text 400 "Here is a simple example how to use DRAW
dialect for e-alpha (bellow in the example) you can draw almost any kind of
transparent shape though it is not the fastest method....IMO the possiinto
alpha channel of the image. I think with the function make-alpha (bellow in
the example) you can draw almost any kind of transparent shape though it is
not the fastest method....IMO the possibility to use DRAW pens for alpha
channel should be done at Rebol's native level"
                text 500 "can draw almost any kind of transparent shape
though it is not the fastest method....IMO the possibility to use DRAW pens
for alpha channel should be done at Rebol's naHere is a simple example how
to use DRAW dialect for into alpha channel of the image. I think with the
function make-alpha (bellow in the example) you can draw almost any kind of
transparent shape though it is not the fastest method....IMO the possibility
to use DRAW pens for alpha channel should be done at Rebol's native level"]

button "Highlight" [foreach face panel/pane [if face/style = 'text [
        system/view/focal-face: face
        system/view/highlight-start:  find face/text "into alpha channel of
the image"
        system/view/highlight-end: find/tail face/text "into alpha channel
of the image"
        show face
button "Paint" [foreach face panel/pane [if face/style = 'text [
        keyword: "transparent"
        xy: caret-to-offset face find face/text keyword
        bx/offset: face/offset + pad + xy 
        bx/size: as-pair (5.9 * length? keyword) 15
        show face

view window

-Alan Macleod

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