Hi Ingo

> Rebol was designed to be run when imbedded into other data,
> e.g. you can run a script directly from an email, without
> having to clean it first.

within ascii text yes.

> So, you can 'do %image.png if the script itself is stored in
> normal ASCII within the binary data, but it Won't work the way
> Ryan suggested, the way to go is, embed the whole script into
> a block, like this
> [REBOL []
>   print {
>     You can save this email, e.g. to %mymail.r,
>     and 'do %mymail.r in a REBOL session.
>   }
> ]

I tried that with and wihout linefeeds as well.
No luck. AS far as I can see, REBOL *is* expecting to parse a REBOL block
from wihtin ascii text.

Are you saying REBOL "do" currently parses a binary automatically, and looks
for text containing script in a block ?

^/[REBOL[]print "here's looking at you from inside image.png"]

I would be surprised and very delighted if this is true now.
Somebody show me an example please!

Emanehiel it seems we must build it. But I hope an efficient implementation
of this will become true in a version of REBOL soon:

do/binary %image.png

The /binary refinement is what seems to be missing. Because it is a special
case, one would not want to slow down the default "do" behavior. It could
reasonably be an implicit /binary, which is invoked as soon as do sees it is
dealing with something that is not a .r file:

<wishlist examples>

do %somescript.r
do %image.png     ; runs a default implied "do/binary" refinement

do/binary %image.png png-options

png-options might load a config file "binary-png.r" similar to user.r for
tuning the response of do/binary

do/binary %tracks.midi midi-options would handle that format etc..


> (IIRC, the rules are:
> find newline followed be "REBOL" and a block
>  --> starting from REBOL unto the end is a rebol script
> find newline followed by "[REBOL" and a block
>  --> the script ends at the closing bracket

demo please? does not work for me..


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