Will Arp  wrote.. apparently on 10-Feb-2004/22:01:11+1:00
>Hi all,
>can someone please point me to some
>example using async-protocol with /core


    Title: "Test async protocol - HTTP download"
    Author: "Gabriele Santilli"

do %async-protocol.r

handler: func [port [port!] state [word! error!] /local tmp cmd] [
    if error? :state [print mold disarm state return true]
    switch state [
        connect [
            ; do HTTP request
            insert port {GET /fg/anen.jpg HTTP/1.0^M^JHost: 
        read    [false]
        write   [false]
        close   [
            ; get data
            data: copy port
            close port
            ;print copy/part data find data "^M^J^M^J"
            data: to binary! find/tail data "^M^J^M^J"
            other/image: attempt [load data]
            other/text: ""
            show other

port: open async://www.3dwallpaper.com:80
port/awake: :handler

view layout [
    across me: box 100x100 random 255.255.255 0:00:00.5 feel [
        engage: func [f a e] [
            if a = 'time [
                me/color: random 255.255.255
                show me
    other: box 100x100 255.255.255 "Downloading image..." Return
    Area 208x100 "You can type here while downloading."


Graham Chiu
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