>Not a perfect solution, because as soon as you click a line, all lines are 
>redisplayed with the last color.

As I found out...

>It can be done by changing the text-pane func itself to let it change the 
>font color or something else. Just take care of that : text-pane must return 
>the iter face or none :
>view layout [
>    t: text-list "aaa" "bbb" "ccc" with [
>        text-pane: func [face id][
>            if pair? id [return 1 + second id / iter/size] 
>            iter/offset: iter/old-offset: id - 1 * iter/size * 0x1 
>            if iter/offset/y + iter/size/y > size/y [return none] 
>            cnt: id: id + sn 
>            iter/font/color: pick [255.0.0 0.0.255] odd? id
>            ;**** END
>            if iter/text: pick data id [
>                lines: at data id 
>                iter
>            ]
>        ]
>    ]

Yes - much better.  Though if you're deciding on the color based on iter/text at that 
point, it gets it a line out.  Moving it to the following if block gets it right 
though.  ie...

view layout [
    t: text-list "aaa" "bbb" "ccc" with [
        text-pane: func [face id][
            if pair? id [return 1 + second id / iter/size] 
            iter/offset: iter/old-offset: id - 1 * iter/size * 0x1 
            if iter/offset/y + iter/size/y > size/y [return none] 
            cnt: id: id + sn 
            if iter/text: pick data id [
                ;**** EXTRA CODE
                iter/font/color: either iter/text = "bbb" [255.0.0][0.0.255]
                lines: at data id 

Thanks once again,

-- Carl Read

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