Ron D. Smith schrieb:


Um the technical term for this is "hell if I know". If you are irritated by it now, imagine how irritating it gets when the file you are parsing is HUGE and you get the whole thing for each an every attempt... (I modified the PR::D source to truncate the output because of this.) It takes some time to

not necessary, just use $::RD_TRACE = 120; # since P::RD version 1.20

        Defining $::RD_TRACE causes the parser generator and the
        parser to report their progress to STDERR in
        excruciating detail (although, without hints unless
        $::RD_HINT is separately defined). This detail can be
        moderated in only one respect: if $::RD_TRACE has an
        integer value (N) greater than 1, only the N characters
        of the "current parsing context" (that is, where in the
        input string we are at any point in the parse) is
        reported at any time.

Best Regards
Karl Gaissmaier       KIZ/Infrastructure, University of Ulm, Germany
Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Service Group Network

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