Aamer Akhter wrote:


I have the following RD_AUTOACTION:

    if ($#item==1 && ($item->isterminal || ref $item[1] ne 'ARRAY')) {
    #if only one item, and is either a terminal or an array
    $return = $item[1];
    } else {
    foreach my $i (keys %item) {
        if ($i=~ s/(\([\?s]\))$//o) {
        $item{$i} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
        delete $item{$i.$1};
    $return = bless \%item, $item[0];

If I precompile to a module, the code generated does not compile. Specifically, I get this error:

perl0: Global symbol "$item" requires explicit package name at grammars/show_ip_interface_brief.pm line 114.

Otherwise (without precompile) the AUTOACTION works fine.

Obviously I can't do a my for the @item or %item. Any suggestions on how to get past this? I'm looking thru the RD_TRACE and .pm file for the differences right now, but wondering if somebody has run into this already.

I'm prelpexed, the only differences appear to be the difference in namespace, the package encloser, and the constructor at the end of the .pm file.

any insight would be greatly appreciated.


aamer akhter

Aamer Akhter / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NSITE cisco Systems

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