
I have a not-so-important, cosmetic question.

I'm trying to convert some weird Windows based build system
to GNU Makefiles on Unix. The script at the bottom of this
mail works for me, but I do appreciate any comments on that.

My question is: first I've written this action which didn't work:

export: path <skip: '[ \t]+'> path(?) {
        # ignore if a special keyword has been used as destination
        return 1 if $item[-1]->[0] =~ /^(IGNORE|MANUAL|SUPPORT)$/i;
        # rest of the action, pretty long

So I had to remove the "return 1" above and use this instead

export: path <skip: '[ \t]+'> path(?) {
        # ignore if a special keyword has been used as destination
        if ($item[-1]->[0] =~ /^(IGNORE|MANUAL|SUPPORT)$/i) {
        } else {
                # rest of the action, pretty long

which feels a bit awkward to me. Is there a nicer way?



use strict;
use vars qw($parser $text %prj_exports %prj_testexports);
use Data::Dumper;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use File::Spec;
use File::Spec::Win32;
use File::Spec::Unix;
use Getopt::Std;
# where to copy the exported files by default
use constant DEFINCDIR => 'epoc32/include';
#$RD_WARN  = 1;
#$RD_HINT  = 1;
#$RD_TRACE = 120;
$parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(q(

inffile: chunk(s) /^\Z/
chunk:  prj_export |
        prj_testexport | 
prj_export: /PRJ_EXPORTS\b/i export[\%::prj_exports](s?)
prj_testexport: /PRJ_TESTEXPORTS\b/i export[\%::prj_testexports](s?)
export: path <skip: '[ \t]+'> path(?) {
        # ignore if a special keyword has been used as destination
        if ($item[-1]->[0] =~ /^(IGNORE|MANUAL|SUPPORT)$/i) {
        } else {
                # reference to the %prj_exports or %prj_testexports
                my $href = $arg[0];
                # the 1st "path" above is source the 2nd - destination.
                # split the both paths into drive (unused) + dir + filename
                my ($srcdrive, $srcdir, $srcfile) = 
                my ($dstdrive, $dstdir, $dstfile) = 
                # replace backslashes through slashes in both dirs
                $srcdir =~ y|\\\\|/|;
                $dstdir =~ y|\\\\|/|;
                # the full paths, consisting of dir + filename
                my ($srcpath, $dstpath);
                # if no destination specified, use default dir + source file
                if (not $dstdir) {
                        $dstdir  = ::DEFINCDIR;
                        $dstfile = $srcfile;
                # if destination is just a dir, use the source filename
                } elsif (not $dstfile) {
                        $dstfile = $srcfile;
                # a source file can go to several destinations, so use
                # the latter as the hash keys, because they are unique
                $srcpath = File::Spec::Unix->catfile($srcdir, $srcfile);
                $dstpath = File::Spec::Unix->catfile($dstdir, $dstfile);
                $href->{$dstpath} = $srcpath;
path:   /"[^"]*"/ | ...!section /\S+/
        /PRJ_EXPORTS\b/i |

)) or die 'Bad grammar';
$text .= $_ while (<DATA>);
defined $parser->inffile($text) or die 'Bad text';
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%prj_exports, \%prj_testexports],
                                                [qw(prj_exports prj_testexports)]);
..\inc\cmmphonebookstoreextinterface.h  \tcf\cmmphonebookstoreextinterface.h
..\inc\cmmphonebookstoremesshandler.h   \tcf

..\inc\cmmonstoremesshandler.h          MANUAL
..\inc\cmmonstoreextinterface.h         ignore

..\inc\cmmenstoreextinterface.h         \tcf\cmmenstoreextinterface.h

mmstorageiface.iby      \epoc32\rom\include\mmstorageiface.iby

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