
 I would like to rebuild a parsed string from the datastructure given by 

For example

Given the date string "(2001)."

using the following rules:-

       Date: lft_bracket Year YearLabel(?) rgt_bracket point

       Year: /\d{4}/
       YearLabel: /[a-z]/
       point: '.'
       lft_bracket: '('
       rgt_bracket: ')'

autotree gives the following datastructure

$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'Year' => bless( {
                                    '__VALUE__' => '2001'
                                  }, 'Year' ),
                 '__RULE__' => 'Date',
                 'point' => bless( {
                                     '__VALUE__' => '.'
                                   }, 'point' ),
                 'lft_bracket' => bless( {
                                           '__VALUE__' => '('
                                         }, 'lft_bracket' ),
                 'rgt_bracket' => bless( {
                                           '__VALUE__' => ')'
                                         }, 'rgt_bracket' ),
                 'YearLabel(?)' => []
               }, 'Date' );

I would like to be able to reconstruct the string "(2001)." from this 
structure the problem I have is that because it is a HASH it does not have 
order information, e.g. in the above "Year" key comes before "lft_bracket".

Am I missing somethings?

 thanks in advance.


Dr. David Holden.

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