
I'm trying convert few parsing modules from the functional 
style (with exported functions) to OO-style with the data
stored in a blessed hash. I'm doing it, because I hope that
the modules will be easier to use and maintain (for example
I will give many functions the same name and override them...)

The shortest module I've listed on the bottom, it is not very complex.

My problem is, that currently I use global variables to store
the parsed out data. For example the directories found in the
"component" rule below are stored into a hash referenced by
the global variable $Nokia::Gen::subref.

When I now move to objects and to a constructor like:

sub new {
        my $proto = shift;
        my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
        my $self  = {};
        $self->{_PARSER} = Parse::RecDescent->new(GRAMMAR) or die 'Bad grammar';
        bless $self, $class;

Then where do I save those dirs? $Nokia::Gen::self->{SUBREF} 
wouldn't work since there is no such variable. And if I use 
$main::parser->{SUBREF} then the variable name is hardcoded.


PS. Here is one of my modules:

package Nokia::Gen;

use strict;
use vars qw($parser $comref $optref $subref $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter();
use Parse::RecDescent;
#$::RD_WARN  = 1;
#$::RD_HINT  = 1;
#$::RD_TRACE = 120;
$VERSION = 1.0;
@ISA     = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT  = qw(&parseGenfile);

use constant GRAMMAR => q(

genfile: chunk(s) /^\Z/
chunk: comment | option | component | <error>

comment: /#([^\x0D\x0A]*)/ {    
        push @{$Nokia::Gen::comref}, $1;

option: /<OPTION\b/i /\w+/ optarg(?) '>' {
        # for each option create an array holding optargs
        push @{$Nokia::Gen::optref->{lc $item[2]}}, @{$item[-2]};
optarg: /\w+/

component: /\S+/ <skip: '[ \t]+'> dir {
        # change backslahes to slashes
        $item{dir} =~ s|\\\\+|/|g;
        print STDERR "Warning: directory $item{dir} not found\n"
                unless -d $item{dir};
        print STDERR "Warning: directory $item{dir} listed multiple times\n"
                if $Nokia::Gen::subref->{uc $item{dir}}++;
dir: /"([^"]*)"/ { $1 } | /\S+/


$parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(GRAMMAR) or die 'Bad grammar';

sub parseGenfile($$$$)
        my $text = shift;
        ($comref, $optref, $subref) = @_;

        defined $parser->genfile($text) or die 'Bad text';


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