Hi all,

I'm struggling with an RD grammar problem and am hoping you can help.

I've got some data that is embedded inside a file and I need to parse only the 
embedded data and leave the "noise" untouched.

For example:

afaf asf af <DELIMITER> command command command </DELIMITER> asdf asd qer f a

I want to parse the command(s), remove the DELIMITERS and preserve everything 

In the past, I've looped over the file with a regex looking for the delimeters 
and then running RD on the text inside.  However, the cost of launching 
several instances of the parser is very expensive, about 80% of runtime.

I'd like to be able to use one parser and have it "do" the entire file.

What I've tried amounts to this:

chunk: /.*?/ delimiter_start command(s) delimiter_end /.*?/

However, I think the first regex is eating too much.

Any suggestions on how to do this?



Take care and have fun,
Mike Diehl.

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