Hi Trin,

This is a nice little article you wrote.

I'm glad things are going well for you and your family.

Always, Prayers,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: trinh martin 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 11:15 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] my blessings

  just felt like writing up here and reflecting on my blessings and sharing 
them with you!!!!!

  the past few years have seen its rough and tumble times, but now that i 
really sit down and reflect, i have truly been blessed in many ways.  
  our ways of raising our kids, home schooling, extended nursing, tandem 
nursing has gotten many a strange looks, smiles.  
  anyway, i sometimes wonder if we are really doing what is right and when will 
the product show it's true  colors, smiles.
  anyway, today, philip took his time to help write the grocery list.  my 
printer is out of ink, so i asked philip if he wanted to write down the list.  
i didn't really figure he would stick with it, but he sat down and with my help 
spelling etc, he wrote a list and pastor lynn said he could actually read it 
for the most part.  lynn just had a few problems where we abbriviated a few 
words like pep candy for perppermint candy, allpur pines for all purpose 
pinesol, etc.  i am so so proud of him!!!!!  he really is growing up and 
becoming such a wonderful helper.  now, if i can just really teach him not to 
be so bossy and his biggest problem is hitting his brothers when he gets mad 
when he tells them to stope etc.
  also, he helped me with feeding anna-lynn.  she is erating the baby rice 
cereal and boy can it be messy!!!!!  we took turns holding her and feeding her. 
 she is a smart little cookie, smiles.  she will bring her head to the spoon, 
but she also loves to put her hands int the food, ahhahaha.  the other 2 
brothers wanted to get involved so everyone sat there feeding anna-lynn.  
matthew tasted the food and said it tasted like oatmeal, but a baby's vertion.  
i love how the 2 older boys will elaborate and help one another and jojo by 
explaining things to one another.  it is just so precious and cute.  too bad i 
don't always take the time to really hear them in the bussiness of day to day 
life, smiles.
  oh, matthew and i got on a subject of another sister.  he told me he didn't 
want antoher sister.  anna-lynn is too special and he doesn't want to have 
another sister, but he will take another brother, wo!!!!  funny thing is all my 
boys see it this way.  guess anna-lynn sure is their princess!!!!
  philip has been very interested in helping matthew and jojo with letters 
colors and numbers!!!!!  we are going to be doing a lot of reading this summer, 
 so that will be pretty good!!!!  matthew is working on his hand writing some 
what.  it is neat seeing the boys work toghether, but at times, they sure can 
have huge fights!!!!
  anyway, i have been truly blessed with these children.  sometimes i do feel 
overwhelmed when everone has jsut did all they could to make a day so much 
work, but they sure have love for one another and for others and they love 
going to church.  we jsut need to work more on praying and that is my fault, 

  may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
  martin family 
  may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
  martin family 


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