hello Trinh 
she is in my prayers adn prayers in the group often work.

----- Original Message ----
From: trinh martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 5:56:17 PM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] please pray for sister in law

today we got a phone call letting us know that my sister-in-law is in the 
hospital.  she had a major stroke.  her bp was something like 260/190 or 
something outragious like that.   supposedly they took her to hospital 
yesterday, but she wouldnt' allow the dr and nurses to check and admit her.  
her grand daughter found her on the floor this morning and she was unresponsive.
please keep us in prayers.
curtis is pretty upset since she was like a second mother to him.  she took 
care of him while he was young and especially after his mom died.
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

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