well Sherri, sometimes God puts in our hearts a "burden" and though at the 
time I wasn't sure why I sent this, God placed this need to send it, and I 
knew that some one out there needed it, for it has also reminded me of what 
I needed to remember.
Thanks, and all to the glory of our heavenly Father.

Sugar Says:
People are like stained glass windows:  They sparkle and shine when the sun 
is out,
 But when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there 
is a light shining from within.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sherri Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 4:13 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: Syl's devotional message:BECOMING THE PERSON 

> Hi Syl,
> How timely your message.  I'm struggling with something right now.
> You know--one of those things--I know God is ultimately in control but
> ...
> Well, suffice it to say--I really needed to hear that today.
> Thanks, and abundant blessings,
> Sherri
> On 11/7/08, Sugar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2 Corinthians 3:18
>> But we all . . . are being transformed into the same image from glory to
>> glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit
>> When you begin to align your goals with God's goals and your desires with
>> God's desires, you will rid your life of a lot of anger, anxiety and
>> depression.
>> The homemaker who wants a happy, harmonious family is expressing a godly
>> desire, but she cannot guarantee that it will happen. So she'd better not
>> base
>> her identity and sense of worth on it or she will be a basket case of 
>> anger
>> or resentment toward her sometimes less-than-harmonious family.
>> Instead she could decide, "I'm going to be the wife and mother God wants 
>> me
>> to be." That's a great goal! Is it impossible or uncertain? No, because 
>> it's
>> also God's goal for her and nothing is impossible with God. Who can block
>> her goal? She's the only one who can. As long as she cooperates with 
>> God's
>> goal
>> for her, her success is assured.
>> "But what if my husband has a mid-life crisis or my kids rebel?" she may
>> object. Problems like that aren't blocking her goal of being the wife and
>> mother
>> God wants her to be, but they will put her goal to a serious test. If her
>> husband ever needs a godly wife, and if her children ever need a godly
>> mother,
>> it's in times of trouble. Family difficulties are merely new 
>> opportunities
>> for her to fulfill her goal of being the woman God wants her to be.
>> The pastor whose worth is based on his goal to win his community for 
>> Christ,
>> have the best youth ministry in town, or increase giving to missions by 
>> 50
>> percent is headed for a fall. These are worthwhile desires, but they are
>> poor goals by which to determine his worth because they can be blocked by
>> people
>> or circumstances. Rather he could say, "I'm going to be the pastor God 
>> wants
>> me to be." That's a great goal because nothing can block him from 
>> achieving
>> it.
>> God's basic goal for your life is character development: becoming the 
>> person
>> God wants you to be. Because it's a godly goal, no one can block it 
>> except
>> you.
>> Prayer:
>> Lord, I want to be the person You called me to be today. Thank You that 
>> by
>> Your grace I can be that person.
>> Sugar Says:
>> People are like stained glass windows:  They sparkle and shine when the 
>> sun
>> is out,
>>  But when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if 
>> there
>> is a light shining from within.
>> >
> > 

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