Super moist chocolate cake mix (follow directions for a super moist 
chocolate cake)

      Pour 3/4 of cake batter in 3/4 quart Tupperware casserole. Mix:

      8 oz. Philadelphia cream cheese
      1/4 c. sugar
      1 tsp. vanilla
      1 egg
      1 (12 oz.) bag chocolate chips (fold in last)

      Spread cream cheese mixture over batter in Tupperware casserole. Spread 
evenly. Pour remaining cake batter into 3/4 quart casserole. Cook uncovered in 
microwave 15 minutes. Need to rotate cake while cooking. Watch closely so cake 
will cook evenly. Let cool 5 or 10 minutes. Flip cake onto plate. (I use 
Tupperware microwavable dish with a cone in the middle.) 

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