Web Friends

I have met many new friends,

While sittin' at this ol' PC;

I know I'll never see them all,

But that's alright with me.

We share cartoons, jokes, and stories,

And often poems that rhyme;

But many messages just say hello,

And, believe me, those are the best kind!

These friends are scattered far and near,

Across this great land of ours;

Canada, New Zealand, and America, too,

But they sure have really funny hours!

Those messages mean so much to me,

Probably more than you'll ever know;

They help me make it through the day,

'When I can't get out and go!

So see my friend, when you write to me,

Even if it's just a hello or hi;

I know someone has thought of me,

And I get higher than the sky!

So each new page that I create,

Really means Thanks, from me to you;

In hopes that I can brighten YOUR day,

And maybe bring a smile or two.

The day will come, this I know,

When all of this will have to end;

But until that time does come,

Please know I am proud to call you MY FRIEND!

A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up 
an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
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