You are very welcome.

I really never knew it either until I was talking to a woman at the
church one day. ...

The next time I had an issue with the telephone company which I could
not get resolved to my satisfaction I asked to speak with an American
Supervisor.  Well, the woman who was trying to help me initially said
that there was nothing that could be done.  To which I again requested
that I speak with a supervisor.  Finally she agreed and I did get a
more favorable outcome than I would have if I would have continued
talking to the overseas customer service representative.  So,
sometimes you must be firm and make your request a few times--and
perhaps it will work.

Bottom line--if you don't ask the answer is no.

On 6/2/09, Delma <> wrote:
> thanks for this
> i never new this
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sherri Crum" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 7:01 PM
> Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Ask for an American
>> I got this from a friend and thought I would share it with the group.
>> I didn't edit the original message, just cut and pasted as it was.  I
>> think whoever originally sent it has some good ideas.
>> Sherri
>> **
>> Subject: Ask for an american
>> Try to remember this EVERY TIME you have
>> to talk to a customer service representative
>> and you cannot understand them.  I did not
>> know that we could do this, but I sure am
>> going to try it.  Help bring jobs back to the
>> U.S.A.  Ask for an American!
>> How to save some American jobs and we can help!
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I want to share with you some great information that I found out purely by
>> accident. I believe it can also save and create jobs in America while
>> giving
>> people better customer service.
>> So how many times have you called a companies service phone line and found
>> that the rep. can barely speak English? Once with a major mortgage company
>> it was so bad I demanded to speak with someone who spoke English. Right at
>> that moment I broke the code, the secret password for customer service.
>> Come to find out that every American company using overseas operators must
>> transfer you to an American rep. by saying.......
>> " I want to speak to a representative in America ".
>> (Don't take no for an answer on this)
>> This was confirmed by the American rep. that they must transfer you after
>> that request. I've tried it on a half a dozen major companies including
>> cable, bank, phone and mortgage companies. It works every time and I
>> actually get my issues taken care of.
>> Last thing to help save even more jobs.... don't use the automated check
>> out
>> lanes they are pushing at the big box stores. Once again I found out that
>> if
>> we use those check outs rather than cashiers people loose their jobs too.
>> I've refused to use the automated check outs and have had two cashiers
>> already thank me for help saving their job..
>> >
> >

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