There's gotta be a few mobile phones down there, or perhaps they can be loaned.

Then you just set up a phone tree with those interested giving their phone numbers.  
Each person
has five numbers to call, and those people each have five numbers, etc.  One can 
mobilize people
very quickly in such circumstances.


Trudy and Rod Bray wrote:

> Paul Gill wrote:
> >On the issue of the stuff up the hill though, I am incensed about it.
> > I want to go to the Tent Embassy today and ask if there is any way we
> > can promote their cause. A friend of mine, when told of plans that
> > the Tent Embassy might be shifted, made a comment 'well, if we find
> > out in time, want to go along and get ourselves arrested?'
> <snip>
> > But after last night, it appears that if there was to be a
> > move on the Tent Embassy itself, it might come in the middle of the
> > night and the activists of Canberra might not be able to get down
> > there in time to stop anything. Do you know if any system has been
> > put in place to prevent that?
> Recoznetters,
> If anyone knows the answer to that question would you please let me know?
> If there is some way in which a group of people can be mobilised quickly
> to prevent the removal of the tent embassy or if there are people who can
> lend themselves to this action, please give us your suggestions.
> Trudy
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