Trudy, Tim and Laurie,

This isn't getting anyone anywhere and is showing signs of going 
"critical"! You are all better than that, and getting diverted from 
the main game!

How about a bit of focus on the big picture issues?  Anyone have any 
thoughts on how to regain the impetus for proper land rights, given 
the increasingly apparent failure of Native Title to deliver?

Or the pro's and cons of a treaty? I have some reservations about the 
"treaty" idea. Over the last twenty five years I can remember it 
coming up seriously on three occasions. On each occasion its consumed 
a lot of energy without any consequent real gain. It often seemed to 
emerge when everything else was going badly. Would everyone be better 
off focusing on specific issues (like Land Rights, health and racism) 
rather than risking getting sidelined into what may become a quixotic 
chase after something with little more than symbolic value and little 
current hope of success (and , yes, i know symbols can be important)



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