Sent the following letter to the Age and a couple of Norwegian 
newspapers (with slight changes) today




Wednesday, 29 August 2001

Dear Editor,

The obscenity of Australia's reaction to the situation of the people 
on the Tamba diminishes us all. Howard, no doubt, believes he has 
touched on the racist , exclusionist, electorally valuable,  nerve 
that led his beloved "founding fathers" to establish the "white 
Australia" policy as one of the first acts of the Commonwealth 
Government. No doubt he is buoyed by the abject silence of the 
Opposition on the matter, and the silly internet polls and talk back 
radio nonsense that all too often passes for public debate, and 
informs the election strategies, its seems, of both major parties.

I refuse to believe that Australians are so myopic, so fearful, so 
barbaric. We have here a boat of  438 people, all of whom were 
desperate enough to risk all on a disabled, leaky , rotten , boat to 
escape from their misery, and who were properly and commendably 
rescued from death by a sensible and ethical Norwegian captain and 
his crew. Let us all pray that Australia's response doesn't deter 
other captains from following the same, correct,  course in future. 
Perhaps it may even be Australian sailors in danger?

This is not a time to quibble or to run up the flags of future 
deterent or of ethnic or cultural purity. (Does anyone really imagine 
that our government's response would be the same if this was a 
boatload of white Rhodesian farmers?) This is a time to do what 
morally and humanely  must be done. Whatever the "politics" of the 
situation, 438 men women and children are in a dire situation on the 
high seas.  Every minute that they remain there reduces us all and 
gravely damages Australia's reputation in the eyes of the rest of the 

Yours sincerely

Rod Hagen

Rod Hagen
Hurstbridge, Victoria, Australia

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