Yes, i have the same problem with Red5. Live streaming media plays an 
important role in our portal. Try it since 0.3 but never got better 
results. After doing some tests i finally found out that there is a 
relation about network latency and the lagging issues. Yes, you could 
prevent that with just setting up the buffer to 2 seconds but there is 
an major lag after that. I use my network analyzer and saw there are 
some really high differences in the streaming..... The funny thing is, 
that our internet connection is capable of 30 webcam streams at one time 
with good quality.
I think that the ups and down demand on the connection, not on red5 

Anyone other experience..?

cu nomIad

Daniel Küstner schrieb:
> Hi,
> I am working on the AV chat for Covcell (see http:// 
> During the Covcell project we are implementing  
> some extensions to the open source LMS Moodle, among other things an  
> audio-/video chat. The chat component consists of a flash client,  
> compiled from OpenLaszlo sources and the Red5 streaming server.
> First I'd like to thank you for the great work you are doing on Red5.  
> It's a big help to have such an easy to use and powerful tool.
> I have two issues with Red5:
> 1) When streaming a broadcast stream, the result at client side is  
> getting a delay after some time. Sometimes the video stream catches  
> up again, sometimes it's getting worse, the longer I am streaming. I  
> found the track ticket 
> ticket/177.
> Does anybody know the progress on this bug? Will it be fixed in 0.6  
> final?
> 2) In order to check, if it is fixed in 0.6 RC2, I downloaded it, but  
> got some build errors in Eclipse. The errors are all happening at  
> accesses to the class javax.script.ScriptEngine, which is delivered  
> in js-223-1.0-pr.jar. Maybe a wrong version of that library was  
> delivered?
> I am using Eclipse 3.2.1 on a Mac OS X 10.4.8 with Java 1.5.0.
> greetinx. daniel.

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