Im not talking about a source code based standard, i mean a flexible standard which can be adapted to other systems too.

Sebastion wrote he works without flash, but with open lazzo.
With booth FMS and Red5 we have standard datatypes.
The same in AS and open lazzo(js). Booth languages can create objects, and send via encoding(AMF, or dont know what lazzo does) to the server.

The standard im talking about is a plugin interface for common tasks. In this case security, video, syncronisation... Doesnt matter what language. So every contribution to the community that follow that standard is compatible with other components. You can still write your own security, but you have a standard interface others can use. I mean there was so much sourcecode even provided by the community, but everyone has another way of coding and doing things.....

cu nomIad

Dan Rossi schrieb:
OK you are talking about a security AS2/AS3 API correct ? Sounds ok, id make it a portable soiution though so that it would work at least in Wowza, as for FMS it needs to do AMF server side for the scripting to databases so doesnt have the flexibility available in java and I guess the C# port.

nomIad wrote:
Im not talking ONLY about the server, i talk about the flash client. So many things done the same way. Let me give an example. I set up a tutorial for acegi security on the red5 wiki. acegi use a standard way for authentication and authorisation. So, why dont we have these things client side to. Just as an example use an standard Principal System for applications. Life could be so much easier. Im not the one who like to code everytime the same stuff, flash and red5 based.

Or just another example a general way storing multiple attributes, connected to clients in a SO. A generalized object oriented way on extracting the UPDATED information and maybe even a standard way to automate your MVC apps models.

The more is standard, the faster you can work on your new stuff..

cu nomIad

Dan Rossi schrieb:
There is already things like playback, publish and sharedobject security. But i know what you mean, and authentication / authorisation framework, those security features could be used to roll your own, but there does need to be some kind of bean you can just enable in your xml config which sets up an authentication plugin for you utilising also the security methods. And you can customise the plugin yourself. It should be enabled with either an embedded db system like hibernate or jdbc etc. I hear now though that rtmps isnt so easy to setup or not working yet in red5 ? That would need to be enabled i guess to send secret keys or a login form to authenticate against. The problem ive yet to work out is if secret key loaded into the client via dynamic scripting is sniffable at runtime. Obviouslly it cant be stored in the swf.

nomIad wrote:
Hey guys,

I think thats really funny. Ive done such an app too, 1 year ago.
I used FMS, but was on the way to use Red5.

Some of us are doing pretty much the same thing, but there is no FRAMEWORK related to that stuff?!

Were all writing the cores of that without any standard way for authentication, authorisation, etc. I think its time for a Flash Framework and Red5 kit for those sort of apps...

cu nomiad

Storm schrieb:
Hi JOachim,congrats! that's pretty simmilar to my own app hehe, only that my "live audio and video communication" is not a "all see all" videoconf, it works more like a classroom where the teacher sees everyone but the pupils only (should) look at the teacher. We also figured out a way to share presentations. But then again, congrats on that!. The only point i'm missing is the screen sharing (and remote control), we've tried a few ideas to achieve that but they all were improductive or too bandwidth greedy. Are you using only flash on client side for that? (that was one of my requirements). Hope you can throw some light on this, it would be much appreciated.
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