You cant block off just connections "from other domains" because the "domain" is the client itself finally. If someone decrypt your swf he could find everything out to connect to your service.
The only way to get that secure is, to use authentication and authorization.

A good solution is always to block all unused stuff. There are serveral listners in red 5. And the new implemented SharedObjectSecurity or StreamSecurity can reduce the damage taken.

Just block everything your not using, like for example SharedObject creation, or StreamCreation.

Ing Juan Peña schrieb:

I just have one question about connections to red 5;

I will test a shared object on red 5 and works great, but

If somebody crack my flash swf and connect to my red5 server they can use it for free, right!

Is there a way to protect red5 server to not allow connections from another domains?

Sorry if this question are some basic,

Thank you for your help in advance

Juan Peña <>

Thank you for all red 5 Team (a excellent work)


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