hehe, sounds good because this would be a possible extension.

Lets say something like a multicast group.

You can add multiple clients to a group. You have something like a broadcaster and it ll broadcast to all clients with fast performance.
Lets say like a stream but with data.

cu nomIad

Steven Gong schrieb:
IIUC the RSO seems to be the only official way to make a broadcast call across the clients. Correct me if I am wrong.

On 8/14/07, *nomIad* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Is there a better way to broadcast the SAME data to multiple
    clients. A
    fast way is the shared object.
    I want to use the NetConnection for calls. So the utility server side
    ist the ServiceUtil witch can invoke on multiple clients.
    So is this the fastest way or ist there something faster when
    using no
    shared objects?

    cu nomIad

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Steven Gong

Intel Asia-Pacific R&D SSG BIOS Engineer
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