Greg Thomas wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm looking for an ISP (for a dialup/ppp connection)
> > >
> > > that is known to be helpful to Linux Users connecting by PPP.
> > >
> > > I'd appreciate a reference from you'all...
> >
> > With somewhat mixed feelings I can point you to Earthlink.  They
> > recently added a Linux page to their online help
> > (  It ain't much but it is a
> > start...
> I second that.  I easily connect to earthlink with Linux and in LA for
> the last 12 months I have had no busy signals or problems connecting.
> Also, from talking to their frame relay dept, they are very pro-Linux.
> I don't know if their dial-up customer service handles linux problems
> well basically because I haven't had any problems.

I have somewhat mixed feeling becasue they still require Windows to
create a new account.  The local modem farm also has a nasty habit of
dropping the carrier and forcing me to reconnect.  All in all, they are
no worse than any other ISP I've used and better than most.

>From meeting some of the people who work in their dial up help dept., I
suspect they have very little help beyonf basic settings to offer the
Linux user.

> OTOH, if you do need to call them it can take an hour or more at times and
> their billing dept absolutely SUCKS!!!  I just added an e-mail account for
> my girlfriend and I have had nothing but problems with my bills.

If you use credt card payment, call your credit company.  Tell them of
the problem and ask that the disputed amounts not be paid until
resolved.  This will usually get very quick action.

Stephen Carville
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