On Mon, 9 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Raymond Fung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 09 Mar 1998
> 11:17:09:
> > Are you using PINE or the so to edit / compose your E-mails, those
> > software have configuration settings that you can preset your
> > host/domain name when composing messages, which should normally be
> > your ISP's domain name (otherwise, the reply message cannot delivered
> > back to you). This should help.
> I use mh, and it sets my "From:" line just fine (as you can see
> above); I should really use "Reply-To:", but AFAIK some older mail
> agents do not recognize it.
> The problem I am talking about (mail rejection because of
> non-registered, hence unresolvable domain) is not resolvable at the
> user level - the host/domain tags (like the "Sender:" line) are added
> by sendmail automagically.

I missed the start of this thread but do you have a valid domain
name? If you connect to an ISP, even with a dynamic IP number,
you can set you domain to that of the ISP in your hosts file.
Just make sure the FQDN is listed first before any aliases. Sorry
if this is off base.

-- Jeff Douglass

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