On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 00:22, Joshua L. San Juan wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 11:44, Jason Dixon wrote:
> > Ok, I'll bite.  Not only is this OT, how do you honestly expect us to
> > help you if you can't provide sufficient details?  What type of data are
> > you trying to pass?  What "Micros Fidelio" software are you speaking
> > of?  Do you have any idea how many different software products Micros
> > develops?
> Ooops, sorry.  Here are the details:
> Application on RH server:  prepaid/postpaid Internet LAN access
>                            using PHP,Perl,PostgreSQL
> Data to be passed:  start time, end time, ip address, etc.
> To be passed to:
> Hotel Property Management System:
> Micros Fidelios Front Office 7.12 running on Windows NT Server 4.0
> --
> This is the very first time I've encountered the Micros-Fidelio Hotel
> Property Management System.  Again my apologies for posting this
> off-topic message - my reason for posting it was to determine the
> feasibility of passing data to the Micros Fidelio PMS from a Linux-based
> application.`
Joshua, you may want to check with Micros to see if they all ready have
the interface. If this is a roll-your-own solution, then you will need
to find out from them what format they need in order to create the
proper interface. I know the frustration in dealing with Micros as I
worked for a hotel group in my last position. Not fun. The interfaces
are usually big bucks and all they really do is just take a data file,
usually just a flat file and read it in. That will be $5,000 for the
interface, thanks, Ka-chink!
If it isn't a roll your own. Micros may all ready have the interface and
you just need to find out where to put the data. With the system we had,
Hotel, it ran on (he runs his hand over his mouth to minimize the sound
emanating) SCO. It used serial connections directly to the readers to
capture the data. 
My suggestion is to be sure that you get a good backup of all data
before starting this implementation. 
BTW, we had saved ourselves the hassle of going with Darwin, Cais, etc
and trying to feed that into Hotel. I wired one hotel totally and one
partially to provide Internet access to the rooms and ran it through our
T1 at the hotel on a separate network using Linux boxes to provide DHCP
and firewalling for the hotel. We gave it away just like HBO. 
Ed "Glad to be out of the Hotel business" Croft

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