Geoffrey Lane wrote:

I have installed spamassasin rpm off the redhat cd and looked at the documentation at spamassasin's official site but I'm not getting it.
I'm looking to use spamassasin with kmail if possible but I'm not sure where to start now. I've looked at online documentation and getting a little fustrated. Can someone give me an newbie friendly guide to setting this up? I'd like to get rid of the countless junk I seem to be getting the past month or so.

SpamAssassin is intended as a /server-side/ solution--not a client-side one.

A good place to start is -- look for docs to configure it for use with your MTA (if you operate your own mail server) or with a mail filter such as procmail (included with Red Hat) or maildrop.

Once the email is properly tagged by the server, it can then be filtered by the client (KMail, in your case).

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