On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 11:14, Genti Hila wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an Linux Box that acts as an NTP (network time protocol) server and i would 
> like to sent the critical logs, especially if the ntpd daemon stops.
> Can anybody give some directions on that ?
> Any idea is appreciated
> Genti

this is the only issue I have with ntpd:

If the daemon stops or in one case I had a smp machine that would skew
the time faster than ntp would keepup with it so I created a script taht
would check all the machines listed in a file and do some ugly hacks to
figure out if the box was synced or not.  I run it via cron

I will put the script at 


browser readable :

if you are interested.

I have been playing with a better way to do this using ntpdc. For

ntpdc -c sysinfo |awk '/stratum/ {print $2}'

will print the stratum that the peer of the machine is running at.  On
my machines if it is synced it usually prints 2 or 3 depending on the
server it is synced to.  If a box is not synced it prints 11 since that
is the stratum I set the local fudge to.  At least I think that is



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