>> RETest is a framework for the testing already and it's simplier than
>> JUnit.
> Yes, that is true.
> But we have plenty of JUnit Tests for our common code. So we would
> like to run JUnit for regex as well.


>> I agree with Vadim that it should be easy to convert RETest to JUnit.
> Of course that is easy, but I hate duplicated code. How about modifying 
> the RETest class a little, so some basic methods can be called for reading 
> the RETest.txt file?

Here are some changes:
I made RETest.getNextTestCase() method public.  It should be used to
get next test from the script-file.  Test is a Runnable, to run it
just call run() :)  getNextTestCase() takes two parameters
BufferedReader for script-file and RETestCaseEnv (you should make this
interface public) it provides some utility methods such as fail(),
say(), getCompiler() etc)

I've attached final RETEst.java version (I'm in off-line right now so
I can not make diffs).
Could you, please, look at it. Is it what you want?  Or do you need
something else?
Also, perhaps it's worth to file RFE about this.

With best regards, Oleg.
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