
about two months ago I've submitted suggested fixes for two bugs.
I did it by attaching suggested fixes to bug-reports (one of two ways
suggested by apache) and so I'm not sure if they were noticed.
Here is a list of the bugs:

| 3303|New|Min|2001-08-28|Unicode 3.0 character \\uFFFD                     |
| 3773|New|Nor|2001-09-21|Problem with parsing greedy match modifiers       |

The main question is whether you (regexp developers) aware about these

Also I've evaluated three bugs and I would like to know what do you
think about my evaluations, because if I'm right these bugs should be

[Bug 2121]   -     '.' or '-' in bracket expression gives unexpected results
[Bug 4137]   -     regexp match gets different results on different platforms
[Bug 18515]  -     Line anchor does not work when match starts at index > 0

With best regards, Oleg.

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