I'm a very happy oro user because it matches the perl5.x regexps best.
Speed is not really an issue for me as I use it merely in batch like
processes. Rarely in reallife internet apps.
I would recommend boycotting Sun and their regexp, as they ccuurently
copy-paste all the nice open source code in a Micro$oft way (without the
$$). Besides that a lot of java programmers still use 1.3, using 1.4
regexp would make your code downwards incompatible. On the other hand I
remember a mail from Daniel F S @ some point stating that oro is slower
than sun 1.4 regexp.
I wouldnt use jakarta regexp, as I ve never seen being used. Oro is
supplied in many industry packages, and I would consider it the industry
standard for this moment.
Maybe you should use both and see which one you like best!
Good luck,

> Hi,
> I am posting on both groups as I am deciding.  How does ORO and RegExp
> compare to the regexp package in Java?  Pros and Cons?
>   I am looking for comparitive info (speed, space, features) to decide
> which I should pick.  Of course, I will try to search
> for articles which deal with these topics, but any input based on real
> world experience would be appreciated.
> waiting for reply,
> --
> Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath,
> Dept. Computing and Information Science,
> Kansas State University, US.
> web: http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~rvprasad
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