I managed to boot my Box with Kanotix and this is the result of a mount

reiser4[mount(2457)]: zget (fs/reiser4/znode.c:567)[jmacd-504]:
WARNING: Wrong level for cached block 936512: 2 expecting 1
reiser4[mount(2457)]: key_warning (fs/reiser4/plugin/object.c:97)[nikita-717]:
WARNING: Error for inode 42 (-5)

This is exactly the same error as Kernel 2.6.9-mm1 and 2.6.10-mm1 display when I
try to boot Gentoo Linux, with 2.6.10-mm1 showing a slightly different
behaviour: It tries to remount the root partition 10 times and than fails
(displaying the error message from above 10 times), 2.6.9-mm1 fails after the 
first mount attempt.

Could this be due to a faulty hard drive (it's about 3 years old and has been
heavily used) or is it some kind of file system corruption? In the second case
please fix reiser4progs to deal with such errors and make fsck.reiser4 fix it
so I can get my machine back up working.

Simon Raffeiner

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