Jan Engelhardt wrote:

Now let us say I am creating sort of a virtual text file (code.js)
that is a live-concatenation of these files:
# concatenate tooltip.js banner.js foo.js code.js

Note I am not talking about the cat(1) utility. I am thinking of
code.js be always a live concatenated version of these three, so when
I modify one file, the live-version is also modified.

What puprose I might have? Network-related. Say, I have an HTML file
that includes these three files in its code.

Yes that's the best solution. Email me if you have a question about how to accomplish this. Here at our school we have created a fuse filesystem that "glues" files in a single one.

If I had a live-concatenated file, I could reference it in the HTML file
so that the browser does not have to download three files but just one.

This would surely reduce network overhead of downloading the same amount
of data but within just one connection, reduce resource usage on the client
and possibly (depending on implementation) reduce the cost of accessing
three individual files on the server.

Have you ever heard of persistent connections with HTTP/1.1?

Jan Engelhardt

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