>>Subject: Arundhati Roy on Iraq
>>Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:04:50 -0700 (PDT)
>>The Day of the Jackals
>>By Arundhati Roy
>>June 2, 2003
>>The following is the text of a talk by Arundhati Roy,
>>pre-recorded for the May 31, 2003 United For Peace and
>>Justice teach-in in Washington, DC.
>>Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates. How
>>many children, in how many classrooms, over how many
>>centuries, have hang-glided through the past,
>>transported on the wings of these words?
>>And now the bombs have fallen, incinerating and
>>humiliating that ancient civilization. On the steel
>>torsos of their missiles, adolescent American soldiers
>>scrawled colorful messages in childish handwriting:
>>For Saddam, from the Fat Boy Posse.
>>A building went down. A marketplace. A home. A girl
>>who loved a boy. A child who only ever wanted to play
>>with his older brother's marbles.
>>On March 21 – the day after American and British
>>troops began their illegal invasion and occupation of
>>Iraq – an "embedded" CNN correspondent interviewed an
>>American soldier. "I wanna get in there and get my
>>nose dirty," Private A.J. said. "I wanna take revenge
>>for 9/11."
>>To be fair to the correspondent, even though he was
>>"embedded" he did sort of weakly suggest that so far
>>there was no real evidence that linked the Iraqi
>>government to the September 11, 2001, attacks. Private
>>A.J. stuck his teenage tongue out all the way down to
>>the end of his chin. "Yeah, well that stuff's way over
>>my head," he said.
>>Lies Instead of Evidence
>>When the United States invaded Iraq, a New York
>>Times/CBS News survey estimated that 42 percent of the
>>American public believed that Saddam Hussein was
>>directly responsible for the September 11 attacks on
>>the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. And an ABC
>>news poll said that 55 percent of Americans believed
>>that Saddam Hussein directly supported Al-Qaeda. None
>>of this opinion is based on evidence (because there
>>isn't any). All of it is based on insinuation,
>>auto-suggestion and outright lies circulated by the US
>>corporate media.
>>Public support in the US for the war against Iraq was
>>founded on a multi-tiered edifice of falsehood and
>>deceit coordinated by the US government and faithfully
>>amplified by the press. We had the invented links
>>between Iraq and Al Qaeda. We had the manufactured
>>frenzy about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. No
>>weapons of mass destruction have been found. Not even
>>a little one.
>>Now, after the war has been fought and won, and the
>>contracts for reconstruction have been signed and
>>sealed, the New York Times reports that, "The Central
>>Intelligence Agency has begun a review to try to
>>determine whether the American intelligence community
>>erred in its prewar assessments of Saddam Hussein's
>>government and Iraq's weapons programs."
>>Meanwhile, in passing, an ancient civilization has
>>been casually decimated by a very recent, casually
>>brutal nation.
>>Throughout more than a decade of war and sanctions,
>>American and British forces fired thousands of
>>missiles and bombs on Iraq. Iraq's fields and
>>farmlands were shelled with 300 tons of depleted
>>In their bombing sorties, the Allies targeted and
>>destroyed water treatment plants, aware of the fact
>>that they could not be repaired without foreign
>>assistance. In southern Iraq there was a fourfold
>>increase in cancer among children. In the decade of
>>economic sanctions that followed the war, Iraqi
>>civilians were denied medicine, hospital equipment,
>>ambulances, clean water – the basic essentials.
>>About half a million Iraqi children died as a result
>>of the sanctions. The corporate media played a
>>sterling role in keeping news of the devastation of
>>Iraq and its people away from the American public. It
>>has now begun preparing the ground with the same
>>routine of lies and hysteria for a war against Syria
>>and Iran – and, who knows, perhaps even Saudi Arabia.
>>Perhaps the next war will be the jewel in the crown of
>>George Bush's 2004 election campaign. Though he may
>>not need to go to such great lengths, since the
>>Democrats have announced that their strategy for the
>>2004 election is to charge that the Republicans are
>>weak on national security. It's like a small-town
>>teenage bully telling the Mafia it has too many
>>America's presidential elections sound as though they
>>will be a complete waste of everybody's time. Although
>>that's not exactly breaking news.
>>Most Cowardly War Ever Fought
>>The US invasion of Iraq was perhaps the most cowardly
>>war ever fought in history.
>>After using the "good offices" of UN diplomacy
>>(economic sanctions and weapons inspections) to ensure
>>that Iraq was brought to its knees, after making sure
>>that most of its weapons had been destroyed, the
>>"Coalition of the Willing" – better known as the
>>Coalition of the Bullied and Bought – sent in an
>>invading army.
>>Then the corporate media gloated that the United
>>States had won a just and astonishing victory!
>>TV watchers witnessed the joy that the US army brought
>>to ordinary Iraqis. All those newly liberated people
>>waving American flags, which they must have somehow
>>hoarded during the years of sanctions.
>>Never mind that the toppling of the statue of Saddam
>>Hussein in Firdos Square (shown over and over on TV)
>>turned out to be a carefully choreographed charade
>>played out by a handful of hired extras coordinated by
>>the US marines. Robert Fisk called it the "most staged
>>photo-op since Iwo Jima."
>>Never mind that in the days that followed American
>>soldiers fired into a crowd of peaceful, unarmed Iraqi
>>demonstrators who were demanding that US troops leave
>>their country. Fifteen people were shot dead.
>>Never mind that a few days later US soldiers killed
>>two more and injured several people who were
>>protesting the fact that peaceful demonstrators were
>>being killed. Never mind that they murdered 17 more
>>people in Mosul. Never mind that in the days to come
>>the killing will continue. (But it won't be on TV.)
>>Never mind that a secular country is being driven to
>>religious sectarianism. Never mind that the US
>>government helped Saddam Hussein's rise to power and
>>supported him through his worst excesses, including
>>the eight-year war against Iran and the 1988 gassing
>>of Kurdish people in Halabja, crimes which 14 years
>>later were re-heated and served up as reasons to
>>justify going to war against Iraq.
>>Never mind that, after the first Gulf War, the Allies
>>fomented an uprising of Shias in Basra and then looked
>>away while Saddam Hussein crushed the revolt and
>>slaughtered thousands in an act of vengeful reprisal.
>>After the invasion of Iraq, Western TV channels'
>>ghoulish interest in the mass graves they discovered
>>evaporated quickly when they realized that the bodies
>>were of Iraqis who had been killed in the war against
>>Iran and the Shia uprising. The search for an
>>appropriate mass grave continues.
>>Never mind that US and British troops had orders to
>>kill people, but not to protect them. Their priorities
>>were clear. The safety and security of Iraqi people
>>was not their business.
>>The security of whatever little remained of Iraq's
>>infrastructure was not their business. But the
>>security and safety of Iraq's oil fields was. The oil
>>fields were "secured" almost before the invasion
>>It's worth noting that the reconstruction of
>>Afghanistan, which is in far worse condition than
>>Iraq, hasn't merited the same evangelical enthusiasm
>>in reconstruction that Iraq has. Even the money that
>>was so publicly promised to Afghanistan has not for
>>the most part been handed over. Could it be because
>>Afghanistan has no oil? It has a route for a pipeline,
>>true, but no oil. So there isn't much money to be
>>extracted from that vanquished country.
>>On the other hand, we were told that contracts for the
>>reconstruction of Iraq could jump-start the world
>>economy. It's funny how the interests of American
>>corporations are so often, so successfully, and so
>>deliberately confused with the interests of the world
>>Occupation Government
>>The talk about Iraq's oil for Iraqis and a war of
>>liberation and democracy and representative government
>>had its time and place. It had its uses. But things
>>have changed now....
>>Having escorted a 7,000-year-old civilization into
>>anarchy, George Bush has announced that the US is in
>>Iraq to stay "indefinitely." The US, in effect, has
>>said that Iraq can only have a representative
>>government if it represents the interests of
>>Anglo-American oil companies. In other words, you can
>>have free speech as long as you say what I want you to
>>On May 17, the New York Times said, "In an abrupt
>>reversal, the United States and Britain have
>>indefinitely put off their plan to allow Iraqi
>>opposition forces to form a national assembly and an
>>interim government by the end of the month. Instead,
>>top American and British diplomats leading
>>reconstruction efforts here told exile leaders in a
>>meeting tonight that allied officials would remain in
>>charge of Iraq for an indefinite period."
>>Jackals Feeding Frenzy
>>Long before the invasion began, the world's business
>>community was tingling with excitement about the scale
>>of money that the reconstruction of Iraq would
>>involve. It has been billed as "the biggest
>>reconstruction effort since the Marshall Plan rebuilt
>>Europe after World War Two."
>>Bechtel Corporation, based in San Francisco, is
>>leading the pack of jackals moving into Iraq.
>>Coincidentally, former Secretary of State George
>>Schultz is on the Board of Directors of the Bechtel
>>Group, and happens also to have served as the chairman
>>of the advisory board of the Committee for the
>>Liberation of Iraq. When asked by the New York Times
>>whether he was concerned about the appearance of a
>>conflict of interest, Shultz said, "I don't know that
>>Bechtel would particularly benefit from it. But if
>>there's work to be done, Bechtel is the type of
>>company that could do it. But nobody looks at it as
>>something you benefit from."
>>Bechtel already has a contract for $680 million
>>dollars, but, according to the New York Times,
>>"Independent estimates are that the final cost for the
>>reconstruction effort of the extent outlined in
>>Bechtel's contract with USAID would be $20 billion."
>>In an article appropriately headlined "Feeding Frenzy
>>Under Way, as Companies From All Over Seek a Piece of
>>the Action," the Times notes (without irony) that
>>"governments around the world and the companies whose
>>causes they support have besieged Washington in a
>>campaign to win a piece of the reconstruction action
>>in Iraq."
>>"The British," the article notes, "though their
>>appeals are understated, offer what some Bush
>>administration officials argue is the most convincing
>>case: that they shed blood in Iraq."
>>Whose blood was shed has not been clarified. Surely
>>they didn't mean British blood, or American blood.
>>They must have meant the British helped the Americans
>>to shed Iraqi blood.
>>So "the most convincing case" for reconstruction
>>contracts is when a country can argue that it is a
>>co-murderer of Iraqis.
>>Lady Simmons, the deputy leader of the UK House of
>>Lords, recently traveled to America with four leaders
>>of British industry. Apart from staking their claim to
>>contracts based on their status as co-murderers, the
>>British delegation also invoked the their colonial
>>past, again without irony, making the case that
>>British companies "had a long and close relationship
>>with Iraq and Iraqi business from the imperial days in
>>the early 20th century until international sanctions
>>were imposed in the 1990s." Glossing over, of course,
>>that this meant Britain had supported Saddam Hussein
>>through the 1970s and 1980s.
>>Relax and Enjoy It
>>Those of us who belong to former colonies think of
>>imperialism as rape. So you rape. Then you kill. Then
>>you demand the right to rape the corpse. That's
>>usually known as necrophilia.
>>Extending this horrible analogy, Richard Perle said
>>recently, "Iraqis are freer today and we are safer.
>>Relax and enjoy it."
>>A few days into the war, the news anchor Tom Brokaw
>>said: "One of the things we don't want to do ... is to
>>destroy the infrastructure of Iraq because in a few
>>days we're going to own that country."
>>Now the ownership deeds are being signed. Iraq is no
>>longer a country. It's an asset.
>>It's no longer ruled. It's owned.
>>And it is owned for the most part by Bechtel. Maybe
>>Halliburton and a British company or two will get a
>>few bones.
>>Our battle has to be against both the occupiers and
>>the new owners of Iraq.
>>Arundhati Roy lives in New Delhi. She is the author of
>>"The God of Small Things" and "Power Politics" (South
>>End Press).

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