Questo commento (che condivido in pieno) riguarda anche gli ultimi messaggi
su RK sull'impero americano.

Louis Proyect wrote:
> Empire and the Capitalists (
> by Immanuel Wallerstein
> In short, [Stephen] Roach is arguing that the macho militarism
> swagger of the Bush regime, the dream of the U.S. hawks to remake the
> world in their image, is not merely undoable, but distinctly negative
> from the point of view of large U.S. investors, the audience for whom
> Roach writes, the customers of Morgan Stanley. Roach is of course
> absolutely right, and it is noteworthy that this is not being said by
> some left-wing academic, but by an insider of big capital.
> Roach represents a distaff view within Wall Street and the foreign
> policy establishment. You get the same sort of hand-wringing from
> George Soros, who spoke at a Paris conference organized to explore
> Wallerstein's thought that was sponsored by Le Monde, the Paribas
> Foundation among others. (The Paribas Foundation was set up by BNP,
> one the most powerful investment banks in France and--like
> Soros--given to pangs of conscience about screwing the rest of the
> world.)
> What Roach, Soros, Krugman, Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs all represent
> is the nagging doubt of the bourgeoisie about whether the current
> expansionist drive is sustainable. In other words, it is the
> expression of mainstream Democratic Party thinking. It tends to crop
> up on the eve of some imperialist adventure and subside after the
> unruly natives are subdued.
> Contrary to Wallerstein's spin on Roach's remarks, the "macho
> militarism swagger" is not something that Bush initiated. It is
> simply the latest installment in a foreign policy around which is
> there is a substantial consensus. Clinton's war against Yugoslavia
> involved virtually all the same themes, including "human rights"
> rhetoric and large-scale Goebbels-esque propaganda-lies. The war in
> Afghanistan was simply a more ambitious version of the "war on
> terror" that had led to the bombing of Sudan's only pharmaceutical
> factory and other violent attacks by the Clinton administration that
> were barely noticed by the liberal establishment.
> Seen in longer historical perspective, what we are seeing here is the
> 500-year-old tension in the modern world-system between those who
> wish to protect the interests of the capitalist strata by ensuring a
> well-functioning world-economy, with a hegemonic but non-imperial
> power to guarantee its political underpinnings, and those who wish to
> transform the world-system into a world-empire. We had three major
> attempts in the history of the modern world-system to do this:
> Charles V/Ferdinand II in the sixteenth century, Napoleon in the
> beginning of the nineteenth century, and Hitler in the middle of the
> twentieth century. All were magnificently successful - until they
> fell flat on their faces, when faced by opposition organized by the
> powers that ultimately became hegemonic - the United Provinces, the
> United Kingdom, and the United States.
> Odd. I had the distinct impression that the United Kingdom ran a
> world-empire. At least that's what NYY professor and imperialist
> ideologue Niall Ferguson believes and promotes. Does Wallerstein
> think that Winston Churchill was less of an architect of world-empire
> than Adolph Hitler? The people of India, China, Burma, and most of
> Africa might have quibbled with that assessment not too long ago.
> Hegemony is not about macho militarism. Hegemony is about economic
> efficiency, making possible the creation of a world order on terms
> that will guarantee a smoothly-running world-system in which the
> hegemonic power becomes the locus of a disproportionate share of
> capital accumulation. The United States was in that situation from
> 1945 to circa 1970. But it's been losing that advantage ever since.
> And when the U.S. hawks and the Bush regime decided to try to reverse
> decline by going the world-imperial path, they shot the United
> States, and U.S.-based large capitalists, in the foot
> - if not immediately, in a very short future. This is what Roach is
> warning about, and complaining about.
> There is a fundamental confusion here. No advice from Roach, nor
> Soros, nor Stiglitz can change the precarious situation world
> capitalism finds itself in today. Despite my sharp disagreements with
> Robert Brenner over the origins of capitalism and his inexplicable
> endorsement of the right of the USA to fund a counter-revolutionary
> movement in Cuba, his 1998 New Left Review article seems more astute
> than ever. With the rise of the German and Japanese economies in the
> 1960s, the USA has been forced to respond by driving down wages at
> home and stepping up attacks on the 3rd world. All this falls under
> the rubric of 'neoliberalism'. Despite the crocodile tears of a
> Joseph Stiglitz, there is NO ALTERNATIVE within the capitalist
> system. The logic that drives this is the need to accumulate capital.
> Since attacks on wage labor in the pursuit of profit introduce other
> potentially sharper contradictions, reformist illusions about a
> global Marshall Plan, etc. will crop up. On my employer's website,
> you can find a press release about Professor Jeffrey Sach's proposal
> to end "extreme poverty" by 2015.
> The one measure that is capable of accomplishing such a goal is the
> very one these liberal do-gooders will never support, namely
> proletarian revolution.
> But doesn't the Bush regime give these capitalists everything they
> want - for example, enormous tax rebates? But do they really want
> them? Not Warren Buffett, not George Soros, not Bill Gates (speaking
> through his father). They want a stable capitalist system, and Bush
> is not giving them that. Sooner or later, they will translate their
> discontent into action. They may already be doing this. This doesn't
> mean they will succeed. Bush may get reelected in 2004. He may push
> his political and economic madness further. He may seek to make his
> changes irreversible.
> It does not matter what Buffett, Gates or Soros want. To paraphrase
> Wallerstein: not John Kerry, not Dennis Kucinich, not George W. Bush
> are capable of providing a "stable capitalist system". We are in a
> period of deepening crisis, imperialist war
> and--ultimately--revolutionary war. If you can't stand the heat, then
> get out of the kitchen.
> But in a capitalist system, there is also the market. The market is
> not all-powerful, but it is not helpless either. When the dollar
> collapses, and it will collapse, everything will change
> geopolitically. For a collapsed dollar is far more significant than
> an Al-Qaeda attack on the Twin Towers. The U.S. has clearly survived
> the latter. But it will be a vastly different U.S. once the dollar
> collapses. The U.S. will no longer be able to live far beyond its
> means, to consume at the rest of the world's expense. Americans may
> begin to feel what countries in the Third World feel when faced by
> IMF-imposed structural readjustment - a sharp downward thrust of
> their standard of living.
> The near bankruptcy of the state governments across the United States
> even today is a foreshadowing of what is to come. And history will
> note that, faced with a bad underlying economic situation in the
> United States, the Bush regime did everything possible to make it far
> worse.
> A typical Wallerstein declaration from Mount Olympus. Not a single
> strategic recommendation, let alone an engagement with politics. I
> guess when we are dealing with 500 year long waves, such imperatives
> must appear mundane if not an outright nuisance.

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