I was experiencing the issue in my setup and I just figured out what the
issue is. KDE is installed in /usr, rekonq in /usr/local, so when rekonq
tries to search for home.html it asks KDE for it and KDE searches in /usr,
but the file is in /usr/local. Solution add 'export
KDEDIRS="/usr:/usr/local"' to your /etc/profile, and restart machine.

What's really weird about this and I couldn't explain is why it works if
rekonq is started from binary and not .desktop.

Did this work for you guys?

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Zachary Klein <z...@silver-chalice.com>wrote:

> Perhaps this is superflous, but I am experiencing the exact same behavior,
> also running rekonq from git master (on openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 4.4.1).
> Zachary Klein
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