
It all looks good, but you just have a few fixes for the last few
commits with the broken equations in docstrings due to spacing
changes.  You can find these with:

$ grep "\\\\$" lib/dispersion/*
$ grep "i = 2" lib/dispersion/*

I have some more responses below:

>> - There are some empty lines straight after a 'for' loop in many places.
> Done

There are a few more, just search for the text "for ei in
range(self.NE" in the target function.

>> - There are some FIXME comments in the lib.dispersion package.
> They are not critical, and are in module which is not used yet.


>> - In some places, comment lines require empty lines before them (in
>> target_functions.relax_disp and lib.dispersion).
> Where? Can you give example?

You also fixed some of the empty lines before comments formatting, but
there are still some in target_function/relax_disp.py.  For example
see "# Structure of r20a and r20b. The full and outer dimensions
structures.".  There are a few in the __init__() method.

>> - The newline spacing between target function methods needs some fixes.
> Done?

It looks done :)



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