Follow-up Comment #12, bug #22730 (project relax):


I have no idea why the information containing the data and its specification
is missing. I follow the protocol loading the DC files (after I load the H and
N spins from the pdb file), specifying all the parameters (temperature control
etc.). Then prior the execution, I save the input as input_state.bz2 as
recommended. Perhaps, last time I opened the input_state.bz2 file, which
perhaps did not load the data? But then why did it work?

Anyway, this time, I upgraded Relax version to 3.3.1 and load the files once
again from the scratch. I would appreciate if you have a look at the log file
which, being compressed to 1.8 Mb, I uploaded here

The Relax calculations are currently at the 'prolate' stage. But the last file
was generated at 4 pm yesterday. 
Should it be like that? If you think there could be a problem with the input
data, I can send it to you as well via private email.

Would appreciate if you help me to find and solve the problem.



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