
On Saturday, July 07, 2012 13:34:07 Michael Jansen wrote:
> > > > Also, *before* you start doing partial releases, please present an
> > > > exact
> > > > definition of the dependencies *between versions*.
> > > 
> > > As i see that you are on the release-team list. May i ask why you voice
> > > your objections the exact same moment someone wants to try something we
> > > discussed here on the list for quite some time instead of actively
> > > participating this to the discussion before?
> > 
> > So, where has this been discussed before? Are you refering to the split
> > release proposal between frameworks, workspaces and apps? If so, that's at
> > the earliest post Frameworks 5 material, but as there is no firm support
> > for that, I suppose even Frameworks 5 timeframe will still see our
> > monolithic releases, until we decide (not just discuss!) to do otherwise.
> > 
> > If it's about something else, could you provide a pointer, because I seem
> > to have missed that discussion.
> Let me point you to the discussion.
> The discussion is on this list. Can't find it? It is called release script.

Ha, I hadn't read that whole thread yet. It seems to be about implementation 
details of a certain script. Thanks for the pointer.

> It is my attempt to hammer out with everyone involved what releasing really
> means. To get people to talk about what changes are needed to make live
> easier for kde, kde-packagers, distro-packages and really anyone. 
> So whe can automate it and everyone is happy.
> You got each and every mail of the discussion since you are subscribed. Ok.
> A few are kde-buildsystem only. 
> Since Andreas took my hint and provided some helpful insights it is now
> quite a big thread. About 30 emails on this list. Hard to miss. 
> So you chose to not read the discussion? Or failed to understand? Or already
> forgot? Is this list so high volume you have to skip some? 
> So i am still wondering what this mailing list brings to the table. Noone
> seems to read it. If they do they do not care enough to contribute until
> called out. 
> And the people on this list are the ones that should care.

That conclusions seems to be drawn too quickly. You're right in that I don't 
care about every single technical detail, but gotta admit: it's well hidden 
under a subject that doesn't immediately suggest that this is worth reading if 
you're not quite so interested in the technical bits. Aaaanyway...

> Which leaves me wondering why i care.

Don't worry, I was just asking the question because I care. Thanks for the 
pointer, I'll catch up on that.

Also, let's all try to be less tensed. I know there's a lot of changes going 
on right now, but if we just sit down and deal with these changes, the end 
result will be better and things will settle down for sure again as well. If 
you think it's too much for you, that's unfortunate, but please try to avoid 
dragging others down by (incorrectly) second guessing their motivations. We're 
all here with the same goal, and it's not an easy one. Let's give ourselves 
some room for that, and recognize that we're doing some hard work, where 
frustration sometimes can happen, but we're there to support each other.

Have a nice day,

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