SVN commit 1327414 by sebas:

Release 4.9.4

 A             announcements/announce-4.9.4.php   
 M  +6 -0      announcements/index.php  
 M  +6 -6      index.php  

--- trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/index.php #1327413:1327414
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
 <p />
+<!-- 4.9.4 released -->
+<strong>5th December 2012</strong> - <a href="announce-4.9.4.php">KDE Ships 
December Updates to Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform</a>
+<br />
+"<em>KDE Ships 4.9.4 Workspaces, Applications and Platform.</em>"
+<p />
 <!-- 4.10 beta2 released -->
 <strong>4th December 2012</strong> - <a href="announce-4.10-beta2.php">KDE 
Announces 4.10 Beta 2</a>
 <br />
--- trunk/www/sites/www/index.php #1327413:1327414
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@
 <h2><a name="announcements">Latest Announcements</a></h2>
+<p><b><a href="announcements/announce-4.9.4.php">KDE Ships December Updates to 
Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform</a></b><br/>
+On 5th December 2012, KDE has released an update to its applications, 
workspaces and development platform.
+The update contains 71 bugfixes for components such as the Kontact Groupware 
suite, the Dolphin file manager and
+the Plasma workspaces.
 <p><b><a href="announcements/announce-4.10-beta2.php">KDE Ships Second Beta of 
Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform 4.10</a></b><br/>
 On 4th December 2012, KDE has released a second beta version of the 4.10 
Workspaces, Applications and Development Platform. This pre-release contains 
numberous improvements to usability and performance as well as a host of new 
bugfixes and features.
-<p><b><a href="announcements/announce-4.9.3.php">KDE Ships November Updates to 
Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform</a></b><br/>
-On 6th November 2012, KDE has released on update to its applications, 
workspaces and development platform.
-The update contains 86 bugfixes for components such as the Kontact Groupware 
suite, the Kate editor and
-the Plasma Desktop workspace.
 <p><b><a href="announcements/plasma-active-three">Plasma Active 3 Improves 
Performance, Brings New Apps</a></b><br/>
 On 15th October 2012, KDE has released Plasma Active Three, a new version of 
KDE's user experience for emerging devices. Plasma Active 3 improves 
performance in the underlying engines significantly, provides more apps and a 
more polished user experience.
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