Hi all,

I've been doing releases of KDE (SC) for a long time now (way beyond 100 
individual releases). I think it's time others jumped in here as well.

As that's always hard when the old grumpy guy still sits there, I decided to 
take a step back and have others jump in here.

That means that I'll not be feeling responsible for releases anymore, and that 
in order to get these things done, others will have to take action.

For minor releases, Togge and Albert are already doing a wonderful job (there 
were two releases already where I didn't have to lift a finger, without any 

For major releases, it means that a bit more planning especially for the 
upcoming version is needed. As the work is already well-spread, the main thing 
is that someone needs to step in and coordinate, make sure all the individual 
things happen, and that these individual pieces become a whole in the end.

That person won't be me, though. (But in case the next coordinator needs help 
or advise, I'm just around the corner, ready to answer questions.)


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